Earth Week
April 16-20, 2007
Cabrillo College, Aptos California
Meet each day, in the Cabrillo Cafeteria, for programs, locations and times of events
Admission to Events: Complimentary entry.
Monday, April 16th
Week long Town Hall in the Cafeteria
Surveys, petitions, Announcements, event signups, community building
This is the last week to submit an application to run for Student Senate!
12pm. Cafeteria
Leave the Trees in the Forest: Demand Recycled!
Victoria's Dirty Secret- DVD 6-8 minutes
Kristin Phillips-Matson
Forest Ethics
Video presentation will include a talk and capsule view of forest issues, highlighting the story of the victoria Secret Catalog policy turnaround. Kristin's talk will also cover areas of United Paper Campaign's success in addressing large corporate paper waste, (i.e. Kinko's, Staples, Office Depot, etc.). Prizes to who can guess Cabrillo's 2005 paper consumption from its main supplier! Bring your lunch and we'll supply the coffee and tea.
1:15pm. Room 506.
Sustainability Innovation
Michele Merrill, PhD-
Biological Anthropology, Cabrillo Instructor
Interactive Lecture and Powerpoint
Biomimicry, Cradle to Cradle design, Gaviotas Intentional Community (Colombia).
EARTH WEEK Tuesday, April 17th
Allan Lonnberg, Anthropology Instructor
Anthropology 17, Global Perspectives on Food and Culture
Santa Cruz County Food Scrap Composting Program 12:00pm Cafeteria
Dan De Grassi, Santa Cruz County Department of Public Works.
Slideshow about County of Santa Cruz Food Scrap Composting
The County of Santa Cruz, in conjunction with Vision Recycling, operates a food scrap composting program on a small-scale start-up basis. This unique program is to divert food scraps and food-soiled paper from landfill disposal, thereby saving capacity at the County's Buena Vista Landfill. Find out the scoop on scrap.
Saving the World with Sky Power! 1:30pm Room 506
Joe Jordan:, NASA, SETI, Cabrillo College
Renewable Energy and the Future.
By now you’ve heard of “peak oil”, and so are all too familiar with the huge environmental and geopolitical problems we face. But what about the SOLUTIONS? This session highlights the coming revolution in how we manage the issue most central to everything else: ENERGY. (To start out, we’ll do some outdoor hands-on demonstrations with sunlight, and then look at amazing pictures of beautiful sky phenomena you can see if you know where and when to look.) Presenter will help us turn (on) to the sky, for both fun and prosperity! Not to mention, the big space!
Sustainable Buildings 101 4:45-6:15pm. Meet at Building 100.
Steve Murphy, Cabrillo Instructor, Construction and Energy Management department, owner of consulting engineering firm “Engineered by Murphy.” Karsten and Steve are both LEED Certified (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). Talk of buildings 200, 300 & 400, for sustainable renovation. Checklists provided, for LEED Existing Buildings standards. Discerning evaluation of each of these buildings, and a discussion of the LEED EB approach to the building renovation. Also a “How to” work with clients.
Open Channel will announce opportunities for natural building.
WEDNESDAY April 18th 11:30am-12:45pm Cafeteria
Ryan Kaplan, Student Senator Daily Sustainability Announcements/Survey/Event
Noon: Earth Day dedication. Elder Ted White Wolf, Ohlone Medicine Man Chris Shea, Open Channel CEO, Earth Day Co Founder
Announcement and sign up for historic tribal events. Ongoing Round Table: Community Building: Survive Trauma, Sustainable Food as Medicine, Wellness Quests. Plan your future, with an Elder Eco Care & Green Retirement Project. TV/Broad/Pod/Blogcast opportunities, Natural Building Teams for the Lakota Medicine Lodge/Organic Farm Project, Cabrillo Bio Fuel Station, Native American Drum & Feathers Events, Camp Outs, Organic Beach Walks!
Natural Building Techniques and Practices 1pm Room 508
Mitchel Slade, Principle of Eco-Struction
EcoStruction was founded in 1994, and has always been a sustainable building company specializing in rammed earth, strawbale, RASTRA, passive and active solar technologies and conventional framing techniques. Presentation will detail sustainable building practices.
Lakota Sioux Ceremonial Living Center in South Dakota 2pm Room 508
Mitchel Slade, Principle of Eco-Struction
The Lakota Sioux Ceremonial Living Center project was developed with a common vision by the medicine men of differing tribes with the intention of forming common meeting grounds for those tribes. The South Dakota project is the first of several Ceremonial Centers to be built. Please join us to find out moreabout the project volunteer opportunities, funding opportunities and educational opportunities.
Vitalism vs Physicalism; Brief history of Environmental Movement.
Dr. Paul Lee, Professor emeritus of Cabrillo, UCSC, MIT, and Harvard; Co Founder of Earth Day 5pm Room 508
"The undermining and reaffirmation of the integrity of organic nature,
and the true story of our environmental crisis, is the deepest conflict
in our culture." Organic musings, at the Roundtable. 6:30pm Room 508
Thursday, April 19th
Ryan Kaplan, Student Senator Daily Announcements/Event Signups!
10am. Cafeteria!
Organic fair trade coffee, for select participants. Bring your helmet! Free raffle drawing for Bike & Alt.Vehicle drivers, carpoolers, bus riders! Yea!
Piet Canin, Ecology Action (, Bike Week coordinator.
Alternative and Sustainable Transportation.Update on the Cabrillo College Transportation Committee. Sign the pledge to take sustainable transportation 4 times in the Month of May.
Delectable Organic Food on a Student Budget.
11:30-1pm Amphitheater.
Drum and Feathers Performance
Drum and Feathers is a Southern Plains style Native American Drum Group based in San Jose, CA. The Drum is very active in the Native American community in Northern California and throughout the West Coast, participating in the last few years in Native Celebrations and Gatherings in California, Oregon, and Hawai'i.
The elders who founded the group in the 1950s are Kiowa. Songs are predominantly Kiowa and southern plains style, and are sung for social and ceremonial occasions.
Drum and Feathers is multicultural and intertribal, including members descendent from Shawnee, Papago (Tohono Odem), Chiricahua Apache, Cherokee, Cherokee Choctaw, Nebraska Ponca, Athabascan, Karuk, Lumbi. Drum and Feathers also focuses on community service, intergenerational community, cultural interchange and education. Cabrillo College is honored to host members of Drum and Feathers for a performance in the amphitheater.
12pm, Cafeteria.
Biofuels Panel and Roundtable
John Hayes, Owner Hayes European
John has a long established car repair facility. He knows the market, finds and
repairs biofuel vehicles and assists on site projects of stations.
Ocean St. and Soquel Ave. in Santa Cruz. Opens April 21st!
Inside perspective on the Agribusiness interest in BioFuels.
Student Senate Meeting (open and public). 3pm. Sesnon House
Voice your passions during public comment period.
Friday, April 20th
12pm. Amphitheater.
Next Steps Gathering and Closing Ceremony
Local band Kombucheros
Form affinity groups for Natural Building, Eco-Art, Food Circles,
Gardening, Curriculum, Community Solidarity
Saturday, April 21st
9am-3pm Aptos Campus
1st Annual Social Justice Conference
Sunday, April 22nd
Earth DAY !!!